Friday, March 28, 2014

why this painful

Why this painful
Why this lonely
Though I perfectly know I'm not alone
Though I perfectly know I'm on the right path
And the future is waiting for me

I cry thousand tears again
Not knowing what's going on
Tears just fall down
With unexplainable feeling in my heart

I don't understand at all
My head, my reasoning don't understand it at all
For what I cry, I don't know
I just cry, my tear just fall down
That's all I know

Maybe It's happiness
Maybe It's fragments of sadness
For the future I set sail to
For the past and myself up to now

A tear of relief
Of the bright blue sky after the rain
Maybe that's the reason of this tear
Maybe it belongs to all of me who having holding it in up till now

From tomorrow all will be right
From tomorrow bright dawn will shine on us
From tomorrow I'll never be alone
From tomorrow all sadness will be the past

So I'll hold you
Till night pass
Till tomorrow come
I'll hold you in my arms

Let your tears out
Don't worry. It's alright.
Tonight I'm with you
Tomorrow and forever after this too

So It's alright
Cry your heart out

2014/03/15 12:49 AM

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